Google Scholar, DBLP
- Saket Sathe, Charu Aggarwal, Horst Samulowitz, Deepak Turaga. Feature-Engineered Random Forests. SIAM SDM, 2024.
- Saket Sathe, Charu Aggarwal. Nearest Neighbor Classifiers versus Random Forests and Support Vector Machines. IEEE ICDM, 2019. [slides]
- Liang Duan, Charu Aggarwal, Shuai Ma, Saket Sathe. Improving Spectral Clustering with Deep Embedding and Cluster Estimation. IEEE ICDM, 2019. Best of ICDM 2019
- Saket Sathe, Charu Aggarwal, Xiangnan Kong, Xinyue Liu. Kernel-Based Feature Extraction For Collaborative Filtering. IEEE ICDM, 2017. [slides]
- Saket Sathe and Charu Aggarwal. Similarity Forests. ACM SIGKDD, 2017. [slides]
- Jinghui Chen, Saket Sathe, Charu Aggarwal, Deepak Turaga. Outlier Detection with Autoencoder Ensembles. SIAM SDM, 2017.
- Sue A. Chen, Arun Vishwanath, Saket Sathe. Data-driven characterisation of solar PV panel performance. IEEE ISGT Europe, 2017.
- Saket Sathe and Charu Aggarwal. Subspace Outlier Detection in Linear Time with Randomized Hashing. IEEE ICDM, 2016. [slides] Best of ICDM 2016
- Saket Sathe and Charu Aggarwal. LODES: Local Density Meets Spectral Outlier Detection. SIAM SDM, 2016.
- Xinyue Liu, Charu Aggarwal, Yu-Feng Li, Xiangnan Kong, Xinyuan Sun, Saket Sathe. Kernelized Matrix Factorization for Collaborative Filtering. SIAM SDM, 2016.
- Lianhua Chi, Saket Sathe, Bo Han, Yun Wang. A Novel Method for Assessing Event Impacts on Event-Driven Time Series. DMS Workshop (co-located with ICDM 2016).
- Sue Ann Chen, Arun Vishwanath, Saket Sathe. What is happening to my watts? A data-driven study of solar panel performance. DSFEW Workshop (co-located with KDD 2016).
- Tian Guo, Saket Sathe, Karl Aberer. Fast Distributed Correlation Discovery Over Streaming Time-Series Data. CIKM 2015.
- Oshini Goonetilleke, Saket Sathe, Timos Sellis, Xiuzhen Zhang. Microblogging Queries on Graph Databases: An Introspection. GRADES 2015 Workshop (co-located with SIGMOD 2015).
- Saket Sathe, Timos Sellis, Karl Aberer. On Crowdsensed Data Acquisition using Multi-Dimensional Point Processes. ICDE Workshops, 2015.
- Nguyen Quoc Viet Hung, Saket Sathe, Duong Chi Thang, Karl Aberer. Towards Enabling Probabilistic Databases for Participatory Sensing. CollaborateCom 2014. (acceptance: 20%) Best Paper Runner-up
- Saket Sathe, Roie Melamed, Peter Bak, Shivkumar Kalyanaraman. Enabling Location-Based Services 2.0: Challenges and Opportunities. IEEE MDM 2014.
- Saket Sathe, Arthur Oviedo, Dipanjan Chakraborty, Karl Aberer. EnviroMeter: A Platform for Querying Community-Sensed Data. VLDB 2013. (demo)
- Saket Sathe, Karl Aberer. AFFINITY: Efficiently Querying Statistical Measures on Time-Series Data. IEEE ICDE, 2013. [talk]
- Sebastian Cartier, Saket Sathe, Dipanjan Chakraborty, Karl Aberer. ConDense: Managing Data in Community-driven Mobile Geosensor Networks. IEEE SECON, 2012. [talk]
- Saket Sathe, Sebastian Cartier, Dipanjan Chakraborty, Karl Aberer. Effectively Modeling Data from Large-area Community Sensor Networks. ACM/IEEE IPSN, 2012. (poster paper)
- Saket Sathe, Hoyoung Jeung, Karl Aberer. Creating Probabilistic Databases from Imprecise Time-Series Data. IEEE ICDE, 2011. [talk] [teaser]
- K. Aberer, S. Sathe, D. Chakraborty, A. Martinoli, G. Barrenetxea, B. Faltings, L. Thiele. OpenSense: Open Community Driven Sensing of Environment. ACM SIGSPATIAL IWGS, 2010, (co-located with GIS 2010). [talk]
- H. Jeung, S. Sarni, I. Paparrizos, S. Sathe, K. Aberer, N. Dawes, T. Papaioannou, M. Lehning. Effective Metadata Management in Federated Sensor Networks. IEEE SUTC, 2010. (invited paper) [talk]
- E. Ioannou, S. Sathe, N. Bonvin, A. Jain, S. Bondalapati, G. Skobeltsyn, C. Niederee, Z. Miklos. Entity Search with NECESSITY. WebDB, 2009. (co-located with PODS/SIGMOD) (demo).
- Saket Sathe and Uday Desai. Cell-phone Based Microcredit Risk Assessment using Fuzzy Clustering. IEEE ICTD, 2006.
- Saket Sathe. A Novel Bayesian Classifier using Copula Functions. Unpublished Manuscript, 2006 [arXiv]
- Liang Duan, Shuai Ma, Charu Aggarwal, Saket Sathe. Improving Spectral Clustering with Deep Embedding, Cluster Estimation and Metric Learning. Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS), pp. 675-694, 2021.
- Saket Sathe, Sayani Aggarwal, Jiliang Tang. Gene Expression and Protein Function: A Survey of Deep Learning Methods. SIGKDD Explorations, 21(2), pp. 23-38, 2019.
- Saket Sathe and Charu C. Aggarwal. Subspace Histograms for Outlier Detection in Linear Time. Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS), pp. 1-25, 2018.
- Sue Ann Chen, Arun Vishwanath, Saket Sathe, Shivkumar Kalayanaraman. Shedding Light on the Performance of Solar Panels: A Data-Driven View. SIGKDD Explorations, 17(2), pp. 24-36, 2015.
- Charu Aggarwal, Saket Sathe. Theoretical Foundations and Algorithms for Outlier Ensembles. SIGKDD Explorations, 17(1), pp. 24-47, 2015.
- Oshini Goonetilleke, Timos Sellis, Xiuzhen Zhang, Saket Sathe. Twitter Analytics: A Big Data Management Perspective. SIGKDD Explorations, 16(1), pp. 11-20, 2014.
- Hoyoung Jeung, Hua Lu, Saket Sathe, Man Lung Yiu. Managing Evolving Uncertainty in Trajectory Databases. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 2014.
- Saket Sathe and Gleb Skobeltsyn. Method of Data Retrieval, and Search Engine using such a Method. EPFL. January 2011 : US 2011/0022600A1
- Vinay Kolar, Saket Sathe, Ravindranath Kokku, Shivkumar Kalyanaraman, Spatio-temporal monitoring and prediction of asset health.
- Saket Sathe, Marie Ng, Frank Lingtao, Deepak Turaga, Charu Aggarwal. Accurate Temporal Event Prediction using Average Reverse Event Delay.
- Arun Vishwanath, Saket Sathe, Sue Ann Chen. System and Method for Data-Driven Collaborative Ad-Insertion in Online Video Streams to Enhance User Experience.
- Saket Sathe, Deepak Turaga, Charu Aggarwal. A System and Method for Ease-of-Drive Driving Directions
- Arun Vishwanath, Sue Ann Chen, Saket Sathe. System and method to create a contact group using image analytics
- Saket Sathe, Deepak Turaga, Horst Samulowitz, Charu Aggarwal. A System and Method for Building Random Feature Transformation Forests
- Saket Sathe, Deepak Turaga, Charu Aggarwal, Raju Pavaluri, Yuan-Chi Chang. Enhancing Supervised Ensemble Models using Unsupervised Methods
- Kanthi Sarpatwar, Venkata S. Ganapavarapu, Saket Sathe, Roman Vaculin. A System and Method for Efficient Unsupervised Anomaly Detection on Encrypted Data [high-value patent]
- Yuan-Chi Chang, Deepak Turaga, Long Vu, Raju Pavaluri, Saket Sathe, Rodrigue Ngueyep. Automated data and label creation for supervised machine learning regression testing
- Saket Sathe, Long Vu, Peter Kirchner, Horst Samulowitz. Automated Unsupervised Machine Learning Utilizing Meta-Learning
- Long Vu, Saket Sathe, Peter Kirchner, Greg Bramble. Automated Lookback Window Searching
- Saket Sathe, Gregory Bramble, Long Vu, Theodoros Salonidis. Distributed resource-aware training of machine learning pipelines [high-value patent]
- Girik Malik, Meng Li, Saket Sathe, Yue Zhao. Dynamic Machine Learning Pipeline Selection
Book Chapters
- Saket Sathe, Thanasis G. Papaioannou, Hoyoung Jeung, Karl Aberer. A Survey of Model-Based Sensor Data Acquisition and Management. Managing and Mining Sensor Data, ed. Charu Aggarwal, Springer Publishers, 2013.
- Saket Sathe. Statistical Models for Querying and Managing Time-Series Data. EPFL PhD Thesis, 2013
- Saket Sathe. Methods in Quantitative Risk Management. IIT Bombay, Masters Thesis, 2006.
Technical Reports
- Saket Sathe, Karl Aberer. AFFINITY: Efficiently Querying Statistical Measures on Time-Series Data. EPFL Technical Report (180121), 2012.
- Sebastian Cartier, Saket Sathe, Dipanjan Chakraborty, Karl Aberer. ConDense: Managing Data in Community-driven Mobile Geosensor Networks. EPFL Technical Report (174752), 2012.
- Alexandru Arion, Saket Sathe. Efficient Model-Driven Query Processing Based on Data Regeneration. Advanced Topics in Database Systems, Course Project Report, 2009. (Advisor: Prof. Anastasia Ailamaki)
- Saket Sathe. Rumor Spreading in LiveJournal. Dynamical Networks, Course Project Report, 2008. (Advisor: Prof. Martin Hasler)